Everyone has felt anxious or worried at some point, but the issue is when you’re hanging on by a thin thread every single day. If even the slightest trigger sets you off on an emotional roller-coaster, it’s time for you to do something about it. Our St. Louis car service chauffeurs often spend several hours on the road, and they fully understand the toll it takes on their mind and body.
Short-term stress is pretty much unavoidable, but if you’re constantly facing a mental breakdown more often than not, you’ll know just how much it can affect your mental and physical health. Under constant stressful conditions, we can be subject to sleepless nights, poor concentration levels and even fall sick easily. So, here are some simple ways you can follow in order to de-stress yourself:
Avoid Excessive Screen Time
Our electronic gadgets can be pretty addictive, especially if you know how to make full use of it in every aspect of your life. However, research has show that staring at a bright screen (specifically those that emit blue light) just before your bedtime can actually lower the quality of your rest. For a good night’s sleep, do consider avoiding any screens for at least two hours before going to sleep.
A Smile Goes a Long Way
We don’t have to get all scientific about this, but it has been proven that the simple act of smiling poses great health and happiness benefits to our daily lives. Just by lifting both corners of your mouth upwards, our body is alerted to release feel-good neurotransmitters that actually help to lower our heart rate and blood pressure levels.
Remember to Treat Yourself
If you’ve always wondered why you feel happier or more relaxed after indulging in your favorite foods, there’s actually a simple reason behind it. Of course, moderation is still the key when it comes to eating, but when we do give in to our food cravings, our body is instantly alerted to release serotonin, a really useful hormone when it comes to boosting our mood and decreasing our stress levels.
Exercise Regularly
When it comes to our health, we really can’t afford to compromise. By exercising daily, we’re aiming to boost our mental and physical health, and that can in term help us in managing our stress. Of course, more companies are becoming aware of the benefits of exercise and are starting to provide their employees with a gym, but you can also easily exercise at a public gym, outdoors, or even at home.
Listen to Soothing Music
Numerous studies have shown the benefits of music (especially slow tunes) on de-stressing. Because music can help to lower down our heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure levels, we’ll gradually feel relaxed and calm. If you’re driving, you can easily turn to your favorite radio station or just play your own compilation of songs.
Otherwise, you can also unwind with our St. Louis ground transportation service. Just let us know the type of music you’ll prefer to listen to and just sit back and relax while our dependable chauffeurs do all the work for you. We’ll love to have you as our client, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!